Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 4 - 20th Anniversary of the Maasae Girls School and 50th Anniversary of Operation Bootstrap Africa

Today was nothing short of phenomenal!  We regularly say these words of the Lord's Prayer, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  We are blessed when we experience this in the flesh.  Today was a day where the kingdom of God came near.  The spirit surrounding the day, the girls at the school, the people who were of significant importance showing up to be a part of the day was dripping with holiness.  A foretaste of the feast to come was our day.  Thank you Jesus!

Festive entrance
Several of the girls school and nursing school teachers

She is the head nursing instructor at the new nursing school

A member of the local council and Pastor Joel, a retired pastor who helped found the girls school

The Waldum chapel is shaped as a Masai shield

The grounds set up for the celebration

The OBA/Bethel folks seating as honored guests

The 20th Anniversary Design Logo

Jack and Mama Jean Wahlstrom with Nanyoke Nasiri

Pastor Dave with the first female Masai Lutheran pastor, Pr. Neema and her sister, Agnes, an accountant

OBA Executive Director Diane Jacoby with Edward Lowassa, former Prime Minister of Tanzania

Diane Jacoby with the 2nd President of Tanzania, President Mwinyi

The dignitaries (the man on the far right is Reginald Mengi, the richest man in Tanzania (Forbes net worth: $550 million)

Two of the members of the first graduating class from the school.  The woman on the right gave an incredible speech!

View from the chapel, the shield is the roof and the spear becomes a cross at the top

Bethel with Nanyoke and her husband Paul.  Under the banner made by Bethel for the chapel.

Urve placing a prayer shawl on Nanyoke

Having fun with the girls at the school

The festivities were delightful

We made so many new friends

After the long day, Jack took us to the Snake Bar, his favorite bar

Pastor Dave is a snake-handling preacher

Wayne's new tie might have a hard time getting through customs

Did I mention there were camels there too?

Daniel may skip Driver's Ed now

A camel built for two
Pastor Dave and his new bestie, Mr. Mengi


  1. Looks like a great celebration. The Snake Park Rocks!

  2. Oh my goodness! The celebration looks incredible indeed! Can feel the sacred quality of it, even thousands of miles away. Great to see Nanyoke and her husband.

    Snake handling? You did say in one of your sermons at Bethel that we are a snake handling church. The figurative becomes literal! The expression on your face is priceless.

  3. LOVE IT! Great to see Nanyoke and Neema! And i am very envious because we did NOT get to play with snakes or ride camels at the snake farm!
